When you pay for a top notch product, you would ideally want that product to end up lasting as long as possible. Major corporations have long used tricks liked planned obsolescence in order to make it so that their consumers would have to end up buying their products time and time again, but this is something that is a lot less accepted when you look at tech products since many of them are essential to people’s day to day routines to one extent or another.
A study conducted by YouGov that checked consumer opinions in 17 different countries from a wide range of reasons across the planet has shown how these consumers feel about product durability and longevity. 57% of consumers said that packaged foods and beverages satisfied their durability requirements for the most part, which makes this sector one of the best performing ones at least if you look at it from an overall durability type of standpoint. Other industries did not do as well, though, and we will be getting into them below.
With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that three other industries, namely automobiles, home appliances and sports equipment, also got reasonably high levels of consumer satisfaction with respect to their durability. 50% of consumers felt that cars fit their longevity requirements, with 46% and 44% saying the same for appliances and sports equipment respectively. This indicates high consumer satisfaction which makes sense since some of these industries are among the most profitable in the entire world right now.
The three worst performing industries in this regard were cell phones, clothing and consumer electronics. In fact, cell phones got the worst rating of all. 30% of respondents felt that cell phone manufacturers were doing too little to ensure adequate durability and longevity in their products, and 18% were of the opinion that they were not doing anything at all to make their products as durable as they could be. 15% felt that cell phone manufacturers were doing their best to make products durable, and 25% felt that they were doing a fair bit.
Planned obsolescence is still a major issue in the world of cell phones with all things having been considered and taken into account. Many cell phone manufacturers want their consumers buying their phones pretty regularly, and they often use rather underhanded techniques to meet these goals including intentionally making their products last longer than might have otherwise ended up being the case. Another issue that is making users feel this way is the lack of right to repair which makes it so that a company might void your warranty if you try to repair a product on your own.
Cell phone manufacturers have their work cut out for them if they truly want users to feel like their products are as durable as possible. This also creates a window for new companies to enter into the fray since if they manage to create top notch phones that last a long time then many users would want to turn to them and begin using their products as opposed to those that were made by better established companies since they might not be as durable.
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A study conducted by YouGov that checked consumer opinions in 17 different countries from a wide range of reasons across the planet has shown how these consumers feel about product durability and longevity. 57% of consumers said that packaged foods and beverages satisfied their durability requirements for the most part, which makes this sector one of the best performing ones at least if you look at it from an overall durability type of standpoint. Other industries did not do as well, though, and we will be getting into them below.
With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that three other industries, namely automobiles, home appliances and sports equipment, also got reasonably high levels of consumer satisfaction with respect to their durability. 50% of consumers felt that cars fit their longevity requirements, with 46% and 44% saying the same for appliances and sports equipment respectively. This indicates high consumer satisfaction which makes sense since some of these industries are among the most profitable in the entire world right now.
The three worst performing industries in this regard were cell phones, clothing and consumer electronics. In fact, cell phones got the worst rating of all. 30% of respondents felt that cell phone manufacturers were doing too little to ensure adequate durability and longevity in their products, and 18% were of the opinion that they were not doing anything at all to make their products as durable as they could be. 15% felt that cell phone manufacturers were doing their best to make products durable, and 25% felt that they were doing a fair bit.
Planned obsolescence is still a major issue in the world of cell phones with all things having been considered and taken into account. Many cell phone manufacturers want their consumers buying their phones pretty regularly, and they often use rather underhanded techniques to meet these goals including intentionally making their products last longer than might have otherwise ended up being the case. Another issue that is making users feel this way is the lack of right to repair which makes it so that a company might void your warranty if you try to repair a product on your own.
Cell phone manufacturers have their work cut out for them if they truly want users to feel like their products are as durable as possible. This also creates a window for new companies to enter into the fray since if they manage to create top notch phones that last a long time then many users would want to turn to them and begin using their products as opposed to those that were made by better established companies since they might not be as durable.